
Effective study and Study Habits

Well I was asked by some of you that How we can study effectively while preparing for Entry Test .

So let us first understand things about Effective Study and How to do it.

What Effective study Means :

Effective study means to study with maximum efficiency in minimum time. But that doesn't meant that you should be preparing a book in just one or two days, 
No just see How much time you have and what level of knowledge and concept is required for Test. 

Often we have to make a compromise on one of these , either the level of study or the time. And if you don't start preparing them , Than time is the limiting factor which decides the study level.

Your Next Question would be  what level of study is required for Entry Test?
I would say reading text books is the best policy to Follow, but keep in mind that is only if you are good at concepts. 
And if I am asked to choose one between Text Books and Concepts , I would say that a student with just knowledge of Text Book will stand a better chance than a student with just concepts though the one with both would be the Best.

Review :

After studying in detail always try to review what you learned , just give a review before you start thinking that I have started forgetting it. 

Study Habits :

There are people who like to study in different ways , Some like to study with music on, and some in complete silence,  some like Books with simple language other prefer to go toward books with more knowledge, There is one rule I want to give you

" Always remember what worked for you in previously , Will work for you in future. "

So if you study habits soot you , Why change them , just stick to basics and hope for Best.


  1. thank u sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much brother may Allah bless u and did u completed ur studies or still in progress

  2. you are welcome sister , May Allah bless you


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